
As an experienced instructional designer, I come from a rich background using sound instructional design principles as well as diverse work and life experiences. Working hand in hand with team members, I commit to teaching others about design and implementation of creating effective and engaging learning experiences for the faculty, students, and staff members who desire to learn. My motto is plan-teach-learn-assess.

I make the best of my own resources as well as external resources to get results. Balancing my  work and my personal life is important to me for ultimate success. I approach each working day with the belief that I will make a difference that day. Meeting with people is an important component of my work. I am a good listener for the people I mentor and bring them along with patience and encouragement to dig deeper into themselves to find their inner innovator.

One of my strongest philosophical virtues is “to do my best.” I focus on contributing my best skills, experience and effort for optimal productivity. I believe in leading by example, learning from mistakes, and appreciating the inspiration and vision of my colleagues as well as following through with my own ideas to get a job done.

In my career as a trainer, designer, learner, coach, and innovator, I have compiled a short list of  stories, models, principles and speeches that have influenced my path (don’t get bumped out of my site…the links will open in a new window – close the page or screen when you are done viewing and come on back):

The Principal of Change 
Backward Design
Bloom’s Taxonomy
Dick & Carey’s Model
Power of a Story
Start Here Approach
Teaching Methods for Inspiring the Students of the Future
Understanding by Design

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